EMERGENCY: 9-1-1 / info@championsfire.org / 281.444.2014
How do I request a copy of an incident report?
Send an email to info@championsfire.org. You can also come to Fire Station 11 at 12730 Champion Forest Dr to complete an incident request form.
What is the ISO class of Champions ESD?
ESD29 has received a SINGLE CLASS 1 ISO Rating effective 9/1/2022.
Can I burn trash, leaves, or trimmings, at my house or business?
In general, outdoor burning within ESD29, and most of Harris County for that matter, is illegal. The rule of thumb is this:
What phone number should my alarm company use when reporting a fire alarm at my address?
281.537.8555 (this number is ONLY for alarm company use--individuals must report emergencies by calling 911.) Contact your alarm company to make sure this is the number they are using if you live in the Champions area. Many times we find that alarm companies are calling the Houston Fire Department, which causes a delay in reporting your alarm to us.
My cat ran up a tree and won't come down. Will the fire department come help?
For safety and insurance reasons, the fire department is not able to respond to these types of calls. Many times the cat will simply move further up the tree. However, if an animal is in need of some other type of rescue (stuck in a fence or storm sewer drain), call us and we will attempt a rescue.
If a cat is stuck in a tree, keep other animals and people away from the tree and place some food at the bottom. The cat will come down when it feels safe or gets hungry.
Does the fire department refill/recharge fire extinguishers?
No, we don't even refill our own. Do an internet search for "Fire and Safety Equipment." There are companies listed that do that. Sometimes it may be beneficial to just buy a new extinguisher though, and some cannot be recharged after use.
What do I do with old fire extinguishers?
Consider taking your fire extinguisher to Harris County's Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) collection site. You may put it in the trash provided:
1. You release any pressure contained in the canister by shooting a small amount into an open area.
2. You let the canister sit for a few days, making sure the pressure has been released.
3. Once you are confident there is no longer any pressure, dispose in a trash bag in your regular garbage.
There is a fire hydrant flowing water on my street. Will the fire department come shut it off?
No, the fire department is not responsible for fire hydrants. Your water department or Municipal Utility District is in charge of hydrants and there may be a reason why they're flowing, such as testing or maintenance. Please contact your local water department.
Does the fire department install or inspect child safety seats?
YES! CESD now provides this service. Click here for more information.
How do I dispose of household sharps or needles?
Click here for directions from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality on how to dispose of these medical waste products.